Happy Earth Day!

It's easy being green

I keep my business carbon footprint very low. In a year, I only print out a handfull of paper (and that's pretty much just for the Hermes Awards entries). As you know, clients are invoiced electronically and can pay electronically to reduce the amount of paper waste. Even when it comes down to tax time, I do it all electronically and choose direct deposit. There are several little ways you can be green too. Try going for paperless billing on your utilities and banking. It is not only better for the environment, it's cheaper for the companies (mailing costs always keep going up).

Celebrate Earth Day with Hemp

You probably read my mention of the donation to Meadwestvaco of the hemp jewelry I made. Why not get one for yourself? http://www.hempharbor.com. I also can do custom requests.

Is your hosting company green?

I use 1and1 for my website hosting. Recently I learned that they buy certificates to match 100% of the energy consumed in their data centers. That saves 30,000 tons of CO2 emissions every year! What does yours do?


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